On Wednesday, May 15, 2019, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met at the Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E.
Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., followed
by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Attending were:
Jane Tracy, President
Grace Chewning, Secy./Treas.
Claude Wolfe, Past President
Joe Baker
Mac Barnes
Tom Beaty
Don Batchelor
Blaine Birchfield
Heather Bonds
James Booth
John Camichos
Shirley Cannon
Leon Handley
Rodney Kincaid
Bill/Barbara Leach
Mark Line
Gail Padgett
Vic Ratliff
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Bob Woodbery
1. GUEST SPEAKER: The Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr., provided an extremely interesting historical chronicle starting with his family’s roots in “The City Beautiful” and his own arrival on October 11, 1949. He shared the diverse experiences along his life’s journey leading to becoming the Chief Judge of Florida’s 9th Judicial Circuit in 2014!
2. MINUTES: The April 17 minutes were approved as written on motion of C. Wolfe, seconded by V. Ratliff and vote carried.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT: $28,608.83
[including $10,000 in Andrew N. Serros Legacy Endowment Fund]
as of 3-31-19.
4. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Per email report from Tiffany Rivera: uThe UCF RICHES team will conduct an oral history with Mr. Jordan Klein, Academy Award winning cinematographer and Florida native on March 24 [a special thank-you to Grace Chewning for making the introduction]. u The Florida Humanities Council awarded nearly $5,000 in funding to Friends of Weeki Wachee Springs, supporting an oral history project to preserve and present the stories of the “mermaids” integral in the spring’s iconic history. The Community Project Grant supports the work of oral historian Rebecca Schwandt, public promotion of the collection and a history harvest, encouraging the public and former mermaids to bring items of significance to be preserved through digitization. In partnership with the University of Central Florida’s RICHES Program, which will host the history harvest and provide the scanning and recording equipment, the collection with be hosted online so wider audiences may participate in Weeki Wachee’s history. u Two UCF History faculty members and two history alumni received awards this month from the Florida Historical Society at its annual meeting/symposium in Cape Canaveral, recognizing individuals who create outstanding work that preserves and celebrates Florida’s past, which has been the mission of FHS since it was established in 1856: Holly Baker ’17 History MA-2019 Hampton Dunn Broadcasting Award for electronic media such as radio and television for “Every Tongue Got to Confess Podcast; Robert Cassanello, Associate Professor of History-2019 Hampton Dunn Internet Award for “new media” utilizing computerized production and distribution; Porsha Dossie ’18 History MA-2019 Governor Leroy Collins Award for best postgraduate thesis on a Florida history topic for “The Tragic City: Black Rebellion and the Struggle for Freedom in Miami, 1945-1990”; Lori C. Waters, Research Associate Professor-2019 Caroline P. Rossetter Award for Outstanding Woman in Florida History recognizing extraordinary efforts to preserve the history of Florida’s role in the Space Program. () Shirley Cannon reported on a myriad of activities relating to the Pinecastle Woman’s Club and Pine Castle Historical Society.
5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER: V Healing prayers continue for Texann Buck! J Heather Bonds announced the Photography Competition for the 2020 Historic Preservation Board Calendar celebrating Orlando’s historic structures (generally 1910s-1940s, at least 50 years old) with the quintessential Florida architectural style of Mediterranean Revival [think St. James Cathedral!]. Photos must be submitted or postmarked by July 12, 5 p.m. [www.cityoforlando.net/calendarcontest2020]. J “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” wishes were pressed on Vic Ratliff! J Mayor Bill Frederick’s book has been published: “A Mayor’s Tale” – Navigating the Rough Seas of Urban Government”!
6. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED [See https://orlandoremembered.org/members/epoch-obituaries/]: People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Clarence M. Gilbert, Jr., M.D.; Col. William A. Tate [USMC Ret.]; Phoebe Miller Carpenter; Donna Dorris Hostnick Whelchel; Robert Alan Freeman..
7. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Next meeting is Wednesday, June 19, 9:00 a.m., at the Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd. – Author Richard Cronin, Guest Speaker.
Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer
www.orlandoremembered.org; Orlando Remembered Group on Facebook