On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met in the Melrose Center, Orlando Public Library, 101 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:

Robert Serros, President
Shirley Cannon, Vice President
Grace Chewning, Secretary/Treas.
Mark Line, Past Chairman
Daniel Assael
Joe Baker
Ann Bennett
Texann Buck
Sandy Dann
Leon Handley
Rodney Kincaid
Emmett O’Dell
Tiffany Rivera
Gail Padgett
Bunny Parrish
Vic Ratliff
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Claude Wolfe
Bob Woodbery
John Olin
Heather Homan

Utilizing the Melrose Center Media Wall, Tiffany Rivera, Assistant Director of Educational/Training Programs, UCF History Department, made a “dynamite” presentation profiling accomplishments of efforts by Spring 2016 History interns to digitize various exhibits, specifically the OR City Hall Exhibit Project and highlighting recent student work on the Downtown Post Office Collection [https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka/items/show/6499]! The students will showcase this term’s projects on April 27, 12:30-4 p.m., at UCF Coburn Hall. Check out https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka2/exhibits.

1. MINUTES – The March 17 minutes were approved as written on motion of A. Bennett, seconded by E. O’Dellf and vote carried.

2. TREASURER’S REPORT – OR/$17,334.78; Andrew Serros Legacy Endowment/$9,537.93.

A] The OR website [orlandoremembered.org] should be operational before or by next meeting, per Matt Higgs, HardcoreDev.com, which will allow implementation of steps necessary to install approved prototype display panels with the new design/branding concept and Logo. Initial locations for the panels include 1 S. Orange Ave., 20 N. Orange Ave./San Juan, 390 N. Orange Ave./Bank of America, Autrey Arcade/Jefferson Court block. As to 1 S. Orange Ave., Mark Line noted that Tana Porter is assisting in content of the Letter of Agreement requested by owner, Hank Katzen, who has given a verbal pledge of $1,000 therefor. Emmett O’Dell advised of meeting with Ron Jaffee and Tana Porter to identify maps of 77 properties from 1936 within Church-Jefferson-Garland-Rosalind area, noting funds may be available for panels through FDOT “culturalscaping.”
B] Claude Wolfe offered to continue pursuing reinstallation of the San Juan display at 20 N. Orange Ave. If unsuccessful, it was recommended going to “Plan B”/placement at the Angebilt Hotel site. C] Mark Line reported the relocation of the Orlando Public Library to the 4th floor is “on the move.”

4. OLD BUSINESS: [a] Updated Strategic Initiatives: Following discussion, consensus was to develop a 5-year plan. Members who volunteered to serve as an ad hoc committee for this purpose include Bob Serros, Shirley Cannon, Mark Line, Emmett O’Dell and Tiffany Rivera.

5. NEW BUSINESS: [a] A Memorandum of Understanding [MOU] will be forthcoming outlining the Orlando Remembered, Inc./Historical Society relationship. Upon execution, up-front-monies incurred for OR 501(c)(3) charitable status expenses will be reimbursed by the Historical Society.

6. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Shirley Cannon related project with UCF history students to digitize the Pinecastle History! () Mark Line indicated the Orange Preservation Trust is doing well and moving forward.

7. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER:  Bunny Parish noted monies may be donated at https://gofundme.com/PrincetonLeeFinals to help teams attend the May Odyssey of the Mind World Finals in Ames, Iowa. Ballots are being tabulated on proposed name change at Lee Middle School for presentation to the School Board.  Heather Homan distributed flyer concerning the 2017 Orlando Historic Preservation Board Calendar Contest, seeking to capture diverse vertical elements throughout the City’s historic districts and landmarks in black and white photos with the theme “Verticality in Architecture.” Entries must be submitted or postmarked by July 8, 5 p.m. [cityoforlando.net/calendarcontest].  Via email, Jane Tracy sent a reminder about upcoming Preservation Week presentations [http://www.ocls.info/Programs/Articles/Newsletter/16April/PreservationWeek.asp?from=vurl_preservationweek] and extended invitation to visit the 3rd floor at the Library to see the Camichos Family Archives on display regarding the Volos, Greece, Relief Effort [https://www.youtube.com/embed/SN5c-m45fxs and http://www.orlandomemory.info/search?combine=Volos].

8. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED – People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Kendell Wooldridge Wherry, Esq.; Dr. Roy Henry Dippy; Kenneth Somerset Murray; James Arthur Davis; Dorthea C. Watson, Esq.; Agnes Adams Trimble; Jack Robert Beattie, DDS; Leo Morris; Bertha Schuur Gemeinhardt; Dr. Lester C. Nunnally.

9. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business, it was moved by M. Line, seconded by E. O’Dell and vote carried that the meeting be adjourned – at 10:30 a.m. Next OR gathering is May 18, 2016, 9 a.m., at the Orange County Regional History Center.

Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer

Orlando Remembered, Inc., Loves “The City Beautiful!”