On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met at the Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:
Claude Wolfe, President
Vic Ratliff, Vice President
Grace Chewning, Secretary/Treas.
Daniel Assael
Joe Baker
Texann Buck
John Camichos
Shirley Cannon
Richard Forbes
Leon Handley
Ron Jaffe
Bill Leach
Mark Line
John Olin
Gail Padgett
Bunny Parish
Mike Perkins
Tiffany Rivera
Jane Tracy
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Bob Woodbery
Robert N. Blackford
Hank Katzen
Brian Wilson
1. PRESENTATION: Special Guest Speaker, Robert Newton Blackford, Esq., 3rd generation Orlandoan and grandson of N[ewton] P[endleton]. Yowell [1872-1960], addressed the group with an extremely interesting historical review of his grandfather’s personal, business and religious life in “The City Beautiful.” Special attention was given to role in construction of the building at 1 S. Orange Ave. and development of the Yowell-Drew-Ivey retail operation. Additional information involved participation in First Presbyterian Church activities over the years, especially “Yowell’s Young Presbyters” founded in 1906, with input from Leon Handley who “inherited” the class! Hank Katzen, immediate past owner of property, and Brian Wilson, new owner, shared thoughts relating to this historic edifice and efforts toward its continued veneration. It was moved by L. Handley, seconded by M. Line and vote carried that Bob Blackford be designated as an official “Friend” of OR!
2. MINUTES – The December 11 minutes were approved as written on motion of V. Ratliff, seconded by L. Handley and vote carried.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT: $26,375.40 as of 12-31.
4. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Mike Perkins accounted the 2017 “John Young History Makers” event is scheduled for April 5 at the Church Street Ballroom honoring Pat Williams [present] and Dr. Wells [past]. () Referring to March 2nd “What’s Up Downtown” Historic Walking Tour, Mark Line requested members who have agreed to appear in “character” at various stops along the route to confirm their participation with him. () Tiffany Rivera distributed flyer on UCF RICHES presentation of “An Oral History Workshop,” Thursday, February 16, 3:30 p.m.-5:45 p.m., at the UCF Graduate Student Center, Colbourn Hall 146 [free; register online or call 823-0242]. () Shirley Cannon commented on some of the activities by the Pine Castle Woman’s Club, specifically requesting donation of any items relating to the SkyLake development during the 1950s. () Be sure to check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beacham_Theatre for an exceptional and comprehensive compilation by John Olin!
5. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED: People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Elizabeth Ann “Betty Duda; Marie Novello Caruso; Rebecca “Becky” Thomas Millitzer; Maurice Mitchel Paul, Esq.; William “Billy” Long; Dr. Kenneth Frederick Dutt; Susan Arline Williams.
6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Next OR gathering is February 15, 2017, 9 a.m., at the History Center.
Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer
Orlando Remembered, Inc., Loves “The City Beautiful!”