On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, Orlando Remembered,Inc.,met at the Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:
Claude Wolfe, President
Vic Ratliff, Vice President
Grace Chewning, Secy./Treas.
Daniel Assael
Joe Baker
Don Batchelor
Shirley Cannon
Gary Daugherty
Leon Handley
Charlie Gray
Rodney Kincaid
Bill Leach
Mark Line
Gail Padgett
Mike Perkins
Tana Porter
Tiffany Rivera
Dr. Mac Barnes
Whitney Broadaway
Tammy Stone
- GUEST SPEAKER: Gary Daugherty, retired Funeral Director, provided a most informative and historical presentation on the Carey Hand family, Carey Hand Funeral Home at 36 W. Pine Street [1891-1955], and interesting “side bars” accompanied by photos. Tiffany Rivera reported that Carey Hand Funeral Home Records, 1891-1955, are digitized in UCF’s Library – Special Collections [http://ucfarchon.fcla.edu/index.php?p=collections/controlcard&id=15], witha variety of records created, including Undertakers’ Memoranda, documentation of the deceased that moved through the undertaker, Funeral Registers with payment information and next of kin, Cremation Records, records for the Palm and Greenwood Cemeteries, as well as other materials relating to the operations of the Orlando mortuary business. The collection is particularly useful in Central Florida genealogy coming from one of the main funeral homes in the area.
- MINUTES: The June 20 minutes were approved as written on motion of V. Ratliff, seconded by R. Kincaid and vote carried.
- TREASURER’S REPORT: $28,717.17 [including $10,000 in Andrew N. Serros Legacy Endowment Fund] as of 4-30-18.
- NEW BUSINESS: FMark Line, Exhibits Coordinator, related on-going efforts to relocate certain display cases that have been removed due to lobby renovations. Mark suggested consideration be given to making a video of the artifacts in some of the cases along with an historical explanation that could be used with on-site monitors. He also noted that memorabilia donations are being requested for an anticipated display at Cherokee School.
FPresident Wolfe appointed Mark Line to Chair the Nominating Committee for upcoming officer elections.
- OLD BUSINESS: Grace Chewning advised that materials received from Kay Ustler involving the old Orlando Youth Center/Loch Haven Park Neighborhood Center were delivered to the Orlando Ballet in connection with planned memorabilia gallery at the proposed “Harriett’s Orlando Ballet Centre” which Orlando Rememberedhas been asked to participate in development of the display. All items are subsequently to become property of the Historical Society.
- ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Whitney Broadaway solicited assistance to identify donation of materials in the display cases at Callahan Neighborhood Center created by Orlando Remembered. Mike Perkins reviewed various aspects on importance of the accession process developed for acquisitions. He outlined anticipated renovations at the History Center scheduled for next year including redesign of the 4thfloor and upgrading of exhibits. Information on current events/programs/exhibits by the History Center is at www.thehistorycenter.org.
() Shirley Cannon announced: receipt of a $10,000 Grant from the Magruder Foundation for archiving Pinecastle Woman;s Club records; and South Orlando’s best party, “BBQ, BEER & BLUEGRASS,” will be on October 6th, 6-9 p.m., at Bagshaw Park next to Edgewood City Hall, benefitting the Pine Castle History Museum.
- ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER: JVic Ratliff solicited input regarding the November meeting due to regular date on the 3rdWednesday [21st] is the day before Thanksgiving.
JREMINDER: Periodically check our website, www.orlandoremembered.organd Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/71485598736/,VPrayers continue for Texann Buck who is undergoing chemo treatments.
- ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED[See https://orlandoremembered.org/members/epoch-obituaries/]: People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Tommy Browning; Joyce Griggs Sorn; Harriett Lake.
- ADJOURNMENT:There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Next regular meeting is Wednesday, August 15, 9:00 a.m.
Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer
Orlando Remembered, Inc., Loves “The City Beautiful!”