On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, Orlando Remembered, a Committee of the Historical Society of Central Florida, met in the 3rd floor Grand Jury Room at the History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:

Robert Serros, Chairman
Shirley Cannon, Vice Chairman
Sue Winkler, Treasurer
Mark Line, Past Chairman
Grace Chewning, Secretary
Daniel Assael
Joe Baker
Ann Bennett
Texann Buck
Leon Handley
Ron Jaffe
Mary Phillips
Vic Ratliff
Tiffany Rivera
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Claude Wolfe
Bob Woodbery
Richard Forbes
Anita Lam
Mike Perkins
Rose Garlick
John Olin

1. MINUTES – The February 18 minutes were approved as written on motion of A. Bennett, seconded by L. Handley and vote carried.

2. TREASURER’S REPORT – S. Winkler related balances through 2/28 of $17,198.85 in the OR Money Market account and $9,498 in the Andrew N. Serros Legacy Endowment Fund [CD].

A] 390 N. Orange Ave./Bank of America – A. Lam reviewed discussion with M. Line on utilizing a case currently in inventory, indicating project could be completed by the end of summer.
B] Autrey Arcade/Jefferson Court block – A. Lam commented on meeting with W. Broadaway to review list of items for this proposed audio-visual monitor display. A. Lam, T. Buck and W. Broadaway will continue collaborating for subsequent report.

4. OLD BUSINESS: [a] Strategic Initiatives: ► Member Education: Visit existing displays. ► Exhibits and website: On-going considerations. ► “We Love Orlando” Party: No report. ► Orlando Remembered Legacy: No report. [b] Edited draft of “Historic Downtown Orlando Walking Tour” brochure, incorporating OR displays, is undergoing in-house review. [c] Possible Media wall in the History Center is status quo. [d] T. Buck discussed preliminary efforts to revamp the United Trophy display.

5. NEW BUSINESS: ☑ Rose Garlick, Downtown Orlando Information Center Manager/Business Coordinator, updated “What’s Up Downtown,” a 45 minute Historic Walking Tour around Downtown Orlando on Thursday, April 2, 8:30 a.m., starting at the Center, 201 S. Orange Ave. Several OR members volunteered to participate by appearing in “character” at various stops along the Tour [e.g., S. Cannon, M. Line, A. Bennett, T. Buck, L. Handley, R. Jaffe, E. O’Dell, V. Ratliff, C. Wolfe]. ☑ R. Forbes related information from Greenwood Cemetery Sexton Don Price that the City will authorize relocation from storage of the ORIGINAL Sperry Fountain that was in Lake Eola Park to a site at Greenwood if the cost of refurbishment is raised from outside sources [$10,000 estimate by American Bronze Foundry, Inc.].

6. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Historical Society President Mark Line and Director Michael Perkins commented on various activities at the History Center, on-going and planned, noting attendance is excellent, “Free” Sundays has been a great draw, and the website is being revamped. () John Olin shared materials acquired in connection with his Beacham Theater History Project. () T. Rivera mentioned latest updates involving the RICHES Mosaic Interface and inclusion of Oviedo’s history [https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka2/exhibits].
7. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER:  R. Forbes announced the Lake Eola Heights Walking Tour is set for noon, April 19, starting at Cathcart Ave./Amelia St.  Reservations should be sent in ASAP for the 2015 “John Young History Makers” event on April 23 honoring Dr. John C. Hitt [present], UCF President, and Burt Roper [past], Florida citrus pioneer/inventor/philanthropist.  Special thoughts to Charlie Gray: “Happy Birthday!” and “Get Well” from scheduled surgery!

8. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED – People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Henry Jackson “Jake” Dominey, Alice Gotlieb Simensky, Joy Walter Leffert, Greg D. Carroll, Lt. Col. Earle Lewis Denton, Mary Jo Fishback Ardaman, M. “Hugh” Beavers, David Boggs Phipps, Viola Mae Rodenmayer Didea.

9. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business, meeting was adjourned – at 10:45 a.m. Next gathering is April 15, 2015, 9 a.m., at the History Center.

Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary

Orlando Remembered Loves “The City Beautiful!”