On Wednesday, November 18, 2015, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met in the 3rd floor Grand Jury Room at the History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:

Robert Serros, President
Shirley Cannon, Vice President
Grace Chewning, Secretary/Treas.
Mark Line, Past Chairman
Joe Baker
Texann Buck
Sandy Dann
Richard Forbes
Leon Handley
Jim Hardman
Ron Jaffe
Anita Lam
Bill Leach
Gail Padgett
Bunny Parish
Tana Porter
Vic Ratliff
Tiffany Rivera
Robert Smith
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Claude Wolfe
Bob Woodbery
Mike Perkins
Whitney Broadaway
John Olin

1. MINUTES – The October 21 minutes were approved as written on motion of L. Handley, seconded by T. Buck and vote carried.

2. TREASURER’S REPORT – OR/$17,329; Andrew Serros Legacy Endowment/$9,537.93.

A] The approved prototype display panels to be installed as our new design/branding concept along with new Logo will proceed simultaneously whenever the OR website is activated, per Anita Lam. Moving forward on this most important item, Mark Line advised that Rick Kilby has agreed to design the framework for the website! Initial locations for the panels include 1 S. Orange Ave., 20 N. Orange Ave./San Juan, 390 N. Orange Ave./Bank of America, Autrey Arcade/Jefferson Court block.

4. OLD BUSINESS: [a] Strategic Initiatives: ► Member Education ► Exhibits and website ► “We Love Orlando” Party ► Orlando Remembered Legacy. [b] G. Chewning provided an up-date on the 501(c)(3) charitable status process. [c] Referring to #5, last month’s minutes, Mark Line indicated that contact has been established with the contractor performing construction modifications for the new owners of the Rutland Building/14 E. Washington St. and will coordinate with Whitney Broadaway regarding the OR display on the north side.

5. NEW BUSINESS: Whitney Broadaway distributed copies of her Display Inspection Report including the Orlando Public Library Case on Oct. 27.

6. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Mike Perkins spoke about the extensive efforts planned by the Historical Society toward exhibit design and an updated Master Plan. He announced the John Young History Makers Celebration is scheduled for April 20th honoring Harris Rosen [present] and Dr. William Wells [past] to be held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Inn. ()Tiffany Rivera related that undergraduate students taking Dr. Rose Beiler’s History and Historians class have submitted their digital exhibits and metadata for review. The students have worked all semester on the OR Post Office display. The exhibits are not live yet, but will be by early Spring. She proposed a presentation of the exhibits during the March 2016 OR meeting in the Melrose Center at the Orlando Public Library. She also invited members to join the UCF History Department for the Internship & Project Showcase on December 8, 1-3 p.m., at the UCF Graduate Student Center, Colburn Hall. [Remember: Go to https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka2/orlandoremembered using titles of Orlando Regions Bank, Orlando Public Library, Downtown Information Center. Alternatively, search by repository. Orlando Remembered is listed and can be selected.] () Shirley Cannon reviewed some of the activities by the Pine Castle Woman’s Club and the Pine Castle Historical Society. () Mark Like noted the Orange Preservation Trust is undergoing reorganization.
7. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER:  Richard Forbes distributed copies of the 2016 Historic Preservation Calendar profiling Bungalows of Orlando’s Historic Districts.  Ron Jaffe displayed a 1927 Ledger from the Angebilt Hotel and construction plans.  Bunny Parish reported on Robert E. Lee Middle School Advisory Committee meetings concerning possible name change.  Mark Line advised of invitation from Rose Garlick, Downtown Orlando Information Center Manager, for members to participate in another Historic Walking Tour the first week in May by appearing “in character” at various stops along the route.  When Claude Wolfe inquired if members would like to come again this year to the University Club for the December meeting, the answer was an enthusiastic “YES!”

8. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED – People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Clarice Jeanette “Jean” Martin Pulsifer; Edith Evenson Brown; Etta Showalter.

9. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m. Next OR gathering is December 16.

Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer

Orlando Remembered Loves “The City Beautiful!”