On Wednesday, December 16, 2015, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met at the University Club, 150 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Special THANX to Claude Wolfe for arranging today’s gathering at this historical-site [scheduled for demolition next year] and the delicious buffet breakfast! Jeff Jakubik, new President of the Historical Society, was welcomed and reviewed some of the major developments underway. Meeting was called to order at 9 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:
Robert Serros, President
Shirley Cannon, Vice President
Grace Chewning, Secretary/Treas.
Mark Line, Past Chairman
Daniel Assael
Joe Baker
Ann Bennett
Sandy/Shelia Dann
Joy Dickinson
Richard Forbes
Leon Handley
Ron Jaffe
Rick Kilby
Bill Leach
Emmett O’Dell
Gail Padgett
Bunny Parish
Mary Phillips
Tana Porter
Vic Ratliff
Tiffany Rivera
Robert Smith
Jane Tracy
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Claude Wolfe
Bob Woodbery
Whitney Broadaway
Jeff Jakubik
John Olin
1. MINUTES – The November 18 minutes were approved as written on motion of L. Handley, seconded by C. Wolfe and vote carried.
2. TREASURER’S REPORT – OR/$17,329; Andrew Serros Legacy Endowment/$9,537.93.
A] Awaiting activation of the OR website, installation will proceed simultaneously of approved prototype display panels with the new design/branding concept and Logo. Initial locations for the panels include 1 S. Orange Ave., 20 N. Orange Ave./San Juan, 390 N. Orange Ave./Bank of America, Autrey Arcade/Jefferson Court block.
4. OLD BUSINESS: [a] Strategic Initiatives: ► Member Education. ► Exhibits and website. E. O’Dell accepted administrator responsibility for Orlando Remembered‘s Facebook presence, along with R. Smith. M. Line indicated the OR website is hoped to be up and running in March. ► “We Love Orlando” Party ► Orlando Remembered Legacy. [b] G. Chewning provided an up-date on the 501(c)(3) charitable status process. [c] Referring to #7, last month’s minutes, Mark Line noted the Historic Walking Tour has been rescheduled for the first week of March, per Rose Garlick/Downtown Orlando Information Center Manager. Members are invited to participate by appearing “in character” at various stops along the route. [d] In connection with #4c, last month’s minutes concerning the OR display case at 14 E. Washington St. [Rutland’s, Exhibit #88], Collections Manager Whitney Broadaway reported she has removed the panels and items [cataloged/stored according to standard museum guidelines], leaving a “please excuse our dust” sign in its stead. M. Line and A. Bennett will coordinate reinstallation thereof.
5. NEW BUSINESS: W, Broadaway submitted her Display Inspection Report dated 12-15-15, which includes the Orange County Court House Case [Exhibit #94].
6. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Remember to calendar the John Young History Makers Celebration on April 20th honoring Harris Rosen [present] and Dr. William Wells [past] to be held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Inn. () Tiffany Rivera will arrange for presentation at our April 20th meeting of OR digital exhibits and metadata work product by the undergraduate students in Dr. Rose Beiler’s History and Historians class, including the Post Office display. [Meanwhile, use titles of Orlando Regions Bank, Orlando Public Library, Downtown Information Center at https://richesmi.cah.ucf.edu/omeka2/orlandoremembered.] () Shirley Cannon reviewed many of the exciting undertakings by the Pine Castle Woman’s Club and the Pine Castle Historical Society.
7. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER: Ron Jaffe found a set of digitized home movies from the 1950s-1970s with shots of the 1892 courthouse, the Chamber of Commerce, the 1924 Lake Eola bandshell, Colonial Plaza, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv01cjBytDk, apparently donated to/posted by UCF RICHES. Bunny Parish provided information about Robert E. Lee Middle School Advisory Committee meetings concerning possible name change. During American Library Association Preservation Week of April 24-30, 2016, Jane Tracy announced that the Orlando Public Library has scheduled different speakers from on the importance of preservation for individuals and institutions. Lisa Camichos, who lives in North Carolina and daughter of John Camichos [former OR Chairman], will present “The Orlando Plan, Orlando’s Effort to Save Volos, Greece,” on Saturday, April 30, 10-11 am. Monday, April 25, 6-7 pm, she will focus specifically on the African American community contribution to the Orlando Plan. Her dissertation is at: http://www.orlandomemory.info/search?combine=Volos. (There are more Camichos Family Volos archives to come on Orlando Memory, so keep watching the site.)
8. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED – People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Jack Clay Inman, Esq.; Robert Eugene Shaw, Jr.; Marshall Vermillion; Diana N. “Di” Vergowe; Russ Moncrief; Mary Ann Davis Blackburn Carroll; Jack Sanderson Borling; Jack E. Nelson; Daisy Leona “Tina” Allen; Louis John Kaminer; Donald Lee Crenshaw; Helen A. Sikorski.
9. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m. Next OR gathering is January 20, 2016, 9 a.m., at the History Center.
Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer
Orlando Remembered, Inc., Loves “The City Beautiful!”