Leon Handley, ESQ, T.P. Warlow III, and Bill Leach
On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met at the Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:
Claude Wolfe, President
Vic Ratliff, Vice President
Grace Chewning, Secretary/Treas.
Joe Baker
Tom Beaty
John Camichos
Charlie Gray
Leon Handley
Bill Leach
Bunny Parish
Mike Perkins
Tana Porter
Robert Smith
Jane Tracy
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Bob Woodbery
Don Batchelor
Tom Warlow, III
1. PRESENTATION: Special Guest Speaker, Thomas “Tom” P. Warlow, III, President of the The Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation, Inc., reviewed local familial history from 1880 impacting the fabric and development of “The City Beautiful” and association with the Foundation from its creation, including personal information/memories of the Andersens, noting Mr. Andersen was a mentor along his Father and Frank Hubbard.
2. MINUTES – The March 15 minutes were approved as written on motion of L. Handley, seconded by P. van den Berg and vote carried.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT: $26,894.56 as of 3-31.
4. NEW BUSINESS: ☞ It was moved by V. Ratliff, seconded by B. Woodberry and vote carried that Don Batchelor be WELCOMED as a member [21 E. Hazel St., 32804, 901-4931, [email protected]! ☞ NOTICE: President Wolfe announced that regular meetings are scheduled for July 19th and August 16th at the downtown Orlando Public Library on the 3rd floor.
5. ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Kudos to the Historical Society for an outstanding 11th Annual “John Young History Makers” event on April 5, 5:30 p.m., at the Church Street Ballroom honoring Pat Williams [present] and Dr. Wells [past], with special thanks to Bob Serros for sponsoring the “Orlando Remembered” table from Bob/Texann Buck, Shirley Canon, Peggy Jo van den Berg, Grace Chewning, Ron/Aracelis Jaffe, Mark/Janet Line and Claude Wolfe. () REMINDER: periodically check www.orlandoremembered.org & https://www.facebook.com/groups/71485598736/ for photos/info posted by our Webmaster Ron Jaffe! () UCF “RICHES” report via email from Tiffany Rivera: “The semester is winding down, and the RICHES initiative continues to grow through student projects and organizational partnerships. We are currently working with the Seminole County Soil and Water Board to digitize some of their records. Our Internship & Project Showcase will be held on April 25. Orlando Remembered members are always invited to come hear about the work our students are doing in the community.”
6. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER:☹ “Loving thoughts” to Joy Dickinson, Bob Serros, Sandy Dann, Gary/Nancy Brock. ☺ John Camichos noted that Channel 24 has scheduled a program on “The Orlando Plan, Orlando’s Effort to Save Volos, Greece” based on the thesis dissertation of his daughter, Lisa, and that she will be speaking on the subject at the Modern Greek Studies Symposium in November.
7. ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED: People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Kathy Downey Anderson; C.M. “Merrill” Franklin; Bonnie Lindsay Hinely; Edward Eugene Stivers; Kenneth E. McCall, Jr.; Sue Conklin; Bonnie Harris Shams; Charles R. Gillis; Shirley Ison Duncan; E. Jeanette Smith Meisel; Ronald Allen Harbert, Esq.; Mary Jane Stryker; Leatha “Lee” Wilson Kamm; Dr. Jewell Harris Shofner; Steve Shilling; Neil Radenbaugh.
7. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Next OR gathering is May 17th, 9 a.m., at the History Center.
Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer
Orlando Remembered, Inc., Loves “The City Beautiful!”