On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Orlando Remembered, Inc., met at the Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E. Central Blvd., Orlando FL. Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attending were:
Claude Wolfe, President
Grace Chewning, Secretary/Treas.
Joe Baker
John Camichos
Richard Forbes
Leon Handley
Jim Hardman
Ron Jaffe
Rodney Kincaid
Bill Leach
Mark Line
Bunny Parish
Mike Perkins
Tana Porter
Jane Tracy
Peggy Jo van den Berg
Bob Woodbery
Karick Price
- PRESENTATION: Karick Price, Karick Price & Associates/Realtors & Central Citrus Partners, provided an exceptional overview of contributions by Price family members to “The City Beautiful” from 1922! He also played a DVD of a memorable 2008 interview with his uncle, Jack Price, a WWII US Army veteran, who served in the 80th Infantry, recounting what he experienced during and after the Battle of the Bulge, which he miraculously survived with unbelievable injuries.
- MINUTES: The August 16 minutes were approved as written on motion of M. Line, seconded by B. Woodbery and vote carried.
- TREASURER’S REPORT: $25,928.11 as of 9-30.
- ON-GOING ACTIVITIES: () Mike Perkins reviewed various upcoming activities/programs scheduled by the History Center, noting the 2017 Donald A. Cheney Award Ceremony will be held on November 30th. () REMINDER: Periodically check out our website and Facebook, www.orlandoremembered.org & https://www.facebook.com/groups/71485598736/, for photos/info posted by Webmaster Ron Jaffe!
- ANNOUNCEMENTS/GOOD OF THE ORDER: J G. Chewning noted that numerous donations to Orlando Remembered in Memory of William H. “Billy” Milligan have been received and are still coming in!
- ORLANDOANS REMEMBERED: People whose lives were so important to so many, who helped make Orlando a great City and whose passing represents a significant loss to our community: Allen Holcomb, M.D.; John T. “Jack” Branham, Jr.; William H. “Billy” Milligan, Charter Member/Past Chairman; Robert “Bob” Billingslea; Andrea Kudlacz; William E. Carlson, Brig. Gen./Ret.; Jeannette Sadler Griffith; Joyce Walkup Roby; William “Bill” Bauman; John Daugherty McKey; M.D; Bill Machmann.
- ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Grace Ann Chewning, Secretary-Treasurer